I meant to write an account of a strange man who hit on me, strangely, in the grocery store the other day.
But it’s a quarter of two in the morning as I type this, and I think I should go to bed instead. It’s Monk’s fault…
But it’s a quarter of two in the morning as I type this, and I think I should go to bed instead. It’s Monk’s fault…
But for your entertainment: A highly interesting index of prices for sex workers in major American cities. Looks like Seattle is slightly below the national average. $234 dollars seems a bit low, but of course, it is an average. I know ladies who charge much more – certainly I do myself – but Craig’s List is full of women charging considerably less. Amusing to see that my old hometown, Tampa , is right up there. And it looks like Toledo is the place to go if you’re looking for a real deal.
I have not had time to explore the whole site, but I think there’s also a page where you can answer a bunch of questions and figure out, hypothetically, how much money you would get paid. But I’m dubious about how accurate such a figure would be, because what a survey can’t measure is good marketing and good customer service. Without those, no matter how young and pretty you are, you’re very limited. And with them, a woman who isn’t a perfect ten still can do very well indeed.